Emily Davidson

baroque cello

"Emily Davidson has everything a musician needs to make it as a world-class soloist—the drive, talent, and the charisma that musicians need to attract a following." —The Huffington Post


From Emily:

Thanks so much for checking out my support page! I'm a full-time freelance musician and I create and produce all of my products myself. Most are free (like my YouTube videos) and some are available for purchase (my albums). All of the proceeds go directly to the artist, so you are actively helping to support my endeavors with your purchases and donations. Purchasing products or making a donation are the most valuable things you can do to support any art you enjoy.

Right now my largest campaign is my Patreon, where you can set up to give me a small recurring donation (as little as $1) every time I create a new baroque cello video. This type of recurring system is extremely helpful in supporting a freelance career, which is always inconsistent. Besides the cost of creating my products, there are always other expenses like instrument repairs, maintenance, new strings, and sheet music.

If you're not sure about becoming a patron just yet, you can make a single one-time donation at GoFundMe.

Lastly, you can also make a difference just by sharing the content you like. Tell your friends, family, and social media network about albums or videos you enjoy and help build the audience and community for classical music.

Thanks for being a part of my musical family!


To book Emily for a live performance or lecture, visit her contact page.